
Rehaul Again also new toy!

So I was a bit overwhelmed with managing contents across several platforms (i.e. Gumroad, Patreon, my own website) so I streamlined everything to connect via Patreon. 😀 So all the comics are stored nicely here and on Patreon and both sites can be accessed via Patreon subscription. I hope it’s a less headache as users can automatically login to both using the same ID too.

Also, I got an ipad! Am I late to getting this? Just realised it’s easier to draw on the go with this thing. 😀 Can’t wait to post more stuff!

Small life update~

My work has slowed down now and my health is slowly recovering. Doctor told me to rest after recent medical issues so I have been focusing on that and I didn’t have the energy to draw the comic 🙁 I feel bad for the long absence for the comic update but I will slowly pick it up again even though my pace may be a bit slower now. Anyway that is all the life update, just wanted to let you know I’m still (barely) alive but I’m still here! 🙂 Thank you so much for being here and I really appreciate it~ <3